By Joy Le Page Smith, MA, BCC

When the evidence of my husband’s second cancer came to our house it was 3 o’clock in the morning. We made a fast trip to the ER, but it was jammed. He was in exceeding pain. And, his agony lasted for 12 hours of waiting before his name was called and he was taken back for care. It felt like “eternity” was in full sway.

Once in the emergency room medical efforts were expedient. A CT showed the reason for his trauma: he had cancerous tumors growing in his bladder. I watched as a scoping was done and saw what looked like two eyrie hands reaching toward Gary, the doctor and me—all of us in the room.

At the time there was no urologist in the community where we lived.  Excellent care was received as we travelled from our home in Arizona to the Idaho Urology Institute in Boise Valley several times during the next 18 months as treatment was started.

So where do the angels come in?

I am a praying person who “walks and talks” with God as best I can. The Bible is the guide of my life. An inner torment took place as I watched my beloved husband fight for his life. I witnessed more than I thought I could bear within his greatest times of struggle. I tried to comprehend the “Why” of it all—“as this is an amazingly fine man who is suffering, here.”

I cried out to God, “Do you see what’s happening here?!  It was another way of saying, “Where are you?”

The next day while both of us were standing in our bedroom about 10 feet apart I saw my husband go unconscious. But what happened next was phenomenal as he didn’t take a normal fall. Rather, gravity was being defied as he fell so slowly! Then his body started turning sideways mid-air before it moved ever so slowly to the floor where he landed softly on his back. No bump to his head,  instead just a slow, gentle landing on the floor. I was totally stunned! Astounded by what I had seen, I knew what had taken place—and said, “We are not alone!

My urge to call an ambulance was waved off. He was not hurt, nor could he remember going unconscious.

Up from the floor he arose!

Psalm 34:7

The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him,
and delivers them. (New King James Version)


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