My Near Death Experience

Chaplain Joy L. Smith, M.A.
 Mental Health Counselor – Spiritual Mentor

Many people have had near death experiences. Their stories are of great interest, allowing us to peak “beyond the veil” of life on earth.

This is the first time I have made my near death experience public, as it was a “heaven sent” event that astounds me to this day. It carried important learnings for me. I see these as sacred. 

I had no urge to make my story public until after reading 90 Days in Heaven a second time. Don Piper didn’t want to tell about his experience of being taken to heaven.  He told in his book that he couldn’t see how telling it would help others. A close friend eventually convinced Don to tell his story and when he did, many, many people were helped in amazing ways. It served to say, to me “Tell your story.”

My “near death” experience was different. I didn’t get to see heaven or even experience God’s presence. Yet, the fact is I was pulled up and out of my body, to answer a question. 

Here’s how it happened. I was taking a nap on a Saturday afternoon. My husband, Gary was sleeping beside me. I awakened with a pulling sensation at my chest. It was very strong–pulling, pulling and quickly pulling as if to release something within. I also felt a great pressure in my chest–but no pain. This was taking place within a second or so as it was happening very fast. I didn’t even have time to wonder what was happening before I was “taken up.” As strange as it may sound, I came out of my body and was moving to the ceiling. My first thought was “I am dying–and I have no pain, no fear.” Then, I felt a presence at the ceiling where I now was. This presence didn’t’ feel like what I’ve experienced in the past, at times of sensing and feeling the Lord’s presence. I didn’t see anyone, yet I knew this “presence” was one of authority. Perhaps it was an angel who asked, “Is there any reason why you can’t go now?”   

I knew through and through this was the most important question of my entire life, but also instantly knew my answer. I said, “Yes,” as I thought of something I could do that would make it easier for Gary once I leave the earth.” And, as soon as I said, “yes,” I went right back into my body—very naturally and smoothly. It was an easy re-entry; it felt “natural.” 

Imagine how powerful this experience was and how it struck me. I jumped up off the bed. As my feet struck the floor, I wondered, “Why” did this happen to me?”  Today, all these years past, I clearly realize this experience was not only real, but it brought tremendous gains.

I know, now, that the actual departure from the body happens like slipping out of a silk gown when a single button is released. It is obvious that something physical has to be released within us before our soul, our spirits can leave our bodies. (I think of the “silver cord mentioned in Ecclesiastes 12:6?) 

My near death experience tells me a lot. For one, there was no pain while leaving my body—and no fear. How great it is to know that the actual process of leaving the body to go on with God is so quick and easy. The pressure in my chest was strong, but painless. It was a sensation of being “drawn or pulled” out of my body within a few instants, without any struggle. Nothing but surprise was felt as I realized I was moving toward the ceiling. God, alone, knew where I was going. 

“I am dying and there is no pain and no fear” was my instant thought. I also wondered what Gary would think if he saw me going up.

I knew only God had the power to do this within any single second. 

After this “happening,” my feet hit the floor as I stood with new realities. More than ever before I KNEW GOD IS REAL with much more clarity and on a deeper level! I could not think of much else for at least a week. And, I did not do the paperwork (that I wanted to do “first”) for two years. I thought once that was done God would “take” me up again, only this time there would be no “asking” whether or not I am ready. Ha! Yet, when I did finally do the paperwork I was left here on terra firma! This part is hard to understand.  Still, ever since this “happening,” I have pressed into God more than ever. I seek to listen for His lead more and more–and can hear His voice more clearly. This must be because I want to stay in close touch with Him. Therefore, I have a greater adventure in life than before. This does not mean I no longer make mistakes or poor choices. Yet, probably I do see more clearly when these happen. I expect more of myself. And, I treasure every single day.

As you read this, take a few minutes to think about what you believe will take place after this life—after we leave this body behind. Do you fear “the next chapter” when done, here, on the globe? If you would like to know more about what Christians believe God wants to provide within eternity, then write asking for that information at the address provided below.

There are literally hundreds of admonitions within the Bible telling readers not to be afraid. For those who are afraid, making peace with God can be a step towards putting your trust in His help from here on. “Fear of God” can be seen as a virtue—the virtue of wisdom. This fear is clarified in Proverbs 8:13, “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil.” Proverbs 1:7, shows this kind of fear as being “the beginning of knowledge.” (The Bible is full of what you will want to know in preparation for the best kind of life, here, and also in Heaven.)

Notice how you feel after reading this. It is shared here to help readers be assured that “there is a God” and that we will all go to Him come the end of this life. Reading this will ideally help you know it is easy for the spirit to move out of a person’s body. As mentioned, I felt no pain or fear within the moment of my release. The reason for that may be because I know the Lord as my Savior in life and at death. If you would like to know the Lord, please write to me at the address below saying this is your need. I will send you a short, easy path to begin your “walk with the Lord,” what Jesus called “the way.” That address is, or you can click the “contact” button on my home page,

It could be quite enlightening if you write what thoughts come to your mind as you finish reading my story above. Journal is a powerful tool for working through what we believe about life—and death—and what we want our lives to exemplify going forward.  

Here is another priceless truth: We are not alone at death. We will be accompanied by Heaven’s entities, or gently sent back if our departure from the body is premature. If you want to see a clear example of this, click on my blog button and scroll to the entries titled, “O’ death where is your sting.” This example of the angels being present at death happened to a man I have known for many years. His wife has given permission to share it.

The experience of having been asked, “Is there any reason why you can’t go now will stay with me until I truly depart one day, however soon, or not. Today, I leave the thought with you, “Are you ready for the last moment of your life?” If not, and if you want help reaching that readiness, please do email me as instructed above. Doing so will bring amazing and wondrous changes to the life you are living now.