Who has ever lived without this question arising from one’s consciousness from time to time? This little story titled, “Twins in the womb” by an anonymous author that prompts further thought.

One day a mother conceived twins.

One child was a girl; the other a boy.

Months passed, and they developed

As they grew they sang for joy:

“Isn’t it great to be alive!”


Together they explored their mother’s womb.

When they found their mother’s life cord,

They shouted for joy:

“How great is our mother’s love,

That she shares her life with us!”


Soon the twins began to change drastically.

Noticing the changes, the boy asked,

“What does this mean?”

“It means our life in the womb

Is coming to an end,” said the girl


“But I don’t want to leave the womb,”

I want to stay here forever.”


“We have no choice” said the girl

“But maybe there is life after birth.”


“How can there be?” asked the boy.

“We will shed our mother’s cord,

And how is life possible without it?

Besides, there’s evidence in the womb

that others were here before us,

and none of them ever came back

to tell us that there is life after birth.

No. this is the end.”


And, so the boy fell into despair, saying,

“If life in the womb ends in death,

What’s its purpose? What’s its meaning?

Maybe we don’t even have a mother.

Maybe we made her up just to feel good.”


“But we must have a mother,” said the girl.

“How else did we get here?

How else do we stay alive?”


And so the last days in the womb

Were filled with deep questioning and fear.

Finally, the moment of birth arrived.

When the twins opened their eyes,

They cried for joy!

What they saw exceeded their wildest dreams.

Within the womb, it was all about hanging in there, receiving all that was provided. The ambience was one of exclusive trust. There was nothing to do but trust! After birth the pace escalates exceedingly! Our minds developed and we grew in full stature, becoming complete little persons—even before seeing the light of day.

Coming into the world through the birthing process we take on various capacities of responsibility. The thing we can do rather easily (for the most part) is to procreate. And, how wonderful this gift is! It is astounding and wondrous to perpetuate life on earth! Having our own children brings great joy . . . along with plenty of continuous challenges.

Mostly, all of us look for ways to be resourceful, earning our way in life. But, like the twins in the womb, we don’t really know what’s up ahead. But God does. Just as life after birth exceeded the dreams of the twins, so life after death will super-exceed any dreams we have ever had!

”That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him,” (1 Corinthians 2:9, New Living Translation).

By Joy Le Page Smith, MA, BCC

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